Contactless payments are now more secure

Contactless payments are now more secure

21 September 2019 | by Kroo Marketing Team

This blog post was accurate when we published it - visit or your Kroo app for the most up to date information

Here at B-Social security is important to us. Over the last couple of months, we have introduced the ability to freeze/unfreeze your card, use of biometrics to send payments and to log in. This is to ensure that your money is safe and that only you have access to it.

From the 12th of September, we are making another change in line with SCA (Strong Customer Authentication), which is apart of the PSD2 regulation to protect customers and their finances. This is industry-wide regulation designed to prevent fraud and B-Social welcomes these changes.

We have more security features upcoming over the next couple of months. Some of these will be behind the scenes and some you’ll notice. Don't worry we’ll make sure to keep you updated every step of the way.

What will happen and what do I have to do?

After you’ve made five contactless payments in a row (or once your payments have totalled £135) your transaction will now decline and you’ll be asked to enter your card in the machine and use your PIN. Don’t worry, there isn’t anything wrong with your card or account, it’s just a way for us to keep your money as safe and secure as possible.

On your sixth contactless payment, your transaction will be declined and you will be asked to enter your PIN. This is similar to when you try to pay contactless for amounts of over £30. We will also send you a notification saying your transaction has been declined and ask you to use your PIN.

If you have forgotten your PIN, you can access this in-app via the Account tab.

Some contactless payments won’t ever decline

There is one exception to these new rules. This is:

  • Unattended terminals: These include parking and travel ticket terminals, and won’t count towards your contactless payment limit.

Your protection

Protecting you and your account from fraud is of paramount importance to us at B-Social. If you have any questions on this or our plans for the future, please ask us in-app via live chat.